從碳減排和加工到在燃燒設備中燃燒低排放替代燃料,John Zink 已經證明瞭優化您設施性能的能力。
通過定製設計的解決方案,John Zink 説明包括煉油和石化在內的眾多行業實現顯著的碳減排。利用蒸汽回收系統、熱氧化器和低排放燃燒設備等先進技術,我們提供有效的碳減排策略。其中包括使用不同燃料類型的靈活性、提高運營效率以及回收碳基燃料以備將來有益使用。
我們先進的燃燒系統經過精心設計,可最大限度地減少燃料消耗,同時優化燃燒過程,提高能源效率並支援減少工業活動的二氧化碳排放。我們的熱氧化器在消除揮發性有機化合物 (VOC)、分解有害氣體並將其轉化為更安全的副產品(如二氧化碳和水)方面發揮著關鍵作用。此外,我們的蒸汽回收系統旨在回收和再迴圈富含碳氫化合物的蒸汽,進一步支援環境保護和運營效率。
Additional Offerings
減碳 Solutions
ECOjet® Edge Ultra-Low NOx Burner
ECOjet® Edge 燃燒器提供超低的 NOx 排放和高效率,採用先進的分級燃料噴射,適用於成套鍋爐中的石油和天然氣應用。

John Zink LN-SFR™ 燃燒器是一種先進的燃氣、圓焰、低 NOx 工藝燃燒器,採用尖端技術,實現減排和高效性能。
T-Fired (Tangentially Fired) Burners
John Zink's T-Fired Burners offer high-efficiency, low-emission combustion solutions for tangentially-fired boilers, featuring dual-fuel capabilities and advanced design for reliable performance.
Vapor Combustion Units (VCUs)
Our Vapor Combustion Units (VCUs) have been field-proven in numerous applications and can achieve VOC destruction efficiencies greater than 99.99%, resulting in hydrocarbon emissions less than 10 mg/L.
QLN® 低 NOx 燃燒器
John Zink 的 QLN® 燃燒器為直流蒸汽發生器 (OTSG) 和加熱器提供低 NOx 排放,同時保持高效率和可靠性,具有先進的燃料分級和內部煙氣再迴圈 (FGR)。
Crude Oil Vapor Recovery System
Our Crude Oil Vapor Recovery System is designed to cost-effectively recover vapors from crude and other light semi-refined products while reducing emissions and eliminating NOx.
Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs)
Our Carbon Adsorption Vapor Recovery Units safely prevent harmful VOCs from reaching the atmosphere, are highly adaptable for a variety of applications, and can be customized to your specific system.
SOLEX™ Burner
Our SOLEX™ Burner is designed with two combustion zones to deliver ultra-low emissions and high efficiency, including single-digit NOx emissions and near-zero CO emissions at startup.
Dynaswirl-LN™ Burner
The Dynaswirl-LN™ low-NOx utility boiler burner offers high-efficiency, low-emission combustion for industrial boilers and is capable of simultaneous gas and oil firing, offering reliable performance and compliance with stringent environmental standards.
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO)
The regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO) from John Zink offers efficient emission control and superior heat recovery.
Marine Vapor Emission Control Systems
Our marine vapor control system is a complete package that integrates proven combustion and recovery systems, dock safety units (DSUs), vapor blower units, and control systems to provide unmatched, comprehensive support services that meet stringent marine regulations.
John Zink's Variflame™ burner provides flexible, low-NOx combustion solutions for a variety of industrial applications and is ideal for steam raising and waste gas incineration.
Duct Burner
We offer advanced duct burner systems designed for optimal performance and low emissions in cogeneration and industrial applications. Our solutions, backed by cutting-edge CFD modeling and robust support services, ensure efficient and reliable operations while meeting stringent environmental standards.
WALFIRE™ Radiant Wall burner
Partner With John Zink
With nearly a century of leadership in combustion and emission control, we are committed to being your trusted partner. Collaborate with John Zink for reliable solutions backed by expert service and support.