John Zinkは、数十年にわたる比類のない専門知識と業界をリードする技術を活用して、窒素酸化物(NOx)と一酸化炭素(CO)の高度な排出削減ソリューションを提供し、幅広い業界のオペレーターが厳しい環境規制に対応できるよう支援しています。
排出削減の世界的リーダーである John Zink は、数十年にわたる経験と技術的専門知識を活用して、蒸気回収装置 (VRU)、蒸気燃焼装置 (VCU)、高度な数値流体力学 (CFD) 技術などの包括的なソリューションと機器を提供しています。
超低 NOx 技術による窒素酸化物 (NOx) および一酸化炭素 (CO) の排出削減を専門とする当社は、お客様の業務が厳しい規制を満たすだけでなく、要件だけでなく、効率を高めて動作します。 また、当社の専任専門家チームは、世界中でスムーズで効率的な運用を確保し、クライアントが環境への影響を最小限に抑えながらコンプライアンスを満たせるよう
Additional Offerings
排出削減 Solutions
COOLstar® Burner
John ZinkのCOOLスター® バーナーは、超低NOxガス燃焼アプリケーション向けに設計されており、安定した炎とNOx排出量を15ppmまで低減します。
ECOjet® Edge Ultra-Low NOx Burner
ECOjet® Edgeバーナーは、パッケージボイラーの石油とガスの両方のアプリケーションに適した、高度な段階的な燃料噴射により、超低NOx排出量と高効率を実現します。

ジョン・ジンク LN-SFR™ バーナーは、最先端の技術を組み込んで排出ガス削減と高効率性能を実現する高度なガス燃焼、丸炎、低 NOx プロセスバーナーです。
T-Fired (Tangentially Fired) Burners
John Zink's T-Fired Burners offer high-efficiency, low-emission combustion solutions for tangentially-fired boilers, featuring dual-fuel capabilities and advanced design for reliable performance.
Vapor Combustion Units (VCUs)
Our Vapor Combustion Units (VCUs) have been field-proven in numerous applications and can achieve VOC destruction efficiencies greater than 99.99%, resulting in hydrocarbon emissions less than 10 mg/L.
John ZinkのQLN®バーナーは、高度な燃料ステージングと内部排ガス再循環(FGR)により、高い効率と信頼性を維持しながら、ワンススルースチームジェネレーター(OTSG)とヒーターのNOx排出量を低く抑えます。
Crude Oil Vapor Recovery System
Our Crude Oil Vapor Recovery System is designed to cost-effectively recover vapors from crude and other light semi-refined products while reducing emissions and eliminating NOx.
Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs)
Our Carbon Adsorption Vapor Recovery Units safely prevent harmful VOCs from reaching the atmosphere, are highly adaptable for a variety of applications, and can be customized to your specific system.
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Systems
Our expertise in combustion systems makes us the ideal choice for integrating the burner and post combustion emission controls. Our SCR systems are designed to deliver up to 95% post-combustion NOx reduction and offer multiple ammonia solutions (Aqueous, Anhydrous, Urea, etc.). CO or VOC catalyst are also available for the lowest emissions out the stack.
John ZinkのRapid Mix Burner (RMB™)は、高度な混合技術で超低NOx排出量を実現し、熱酸化剤と焼却炉に費用対効果の高いソリューションを提供します。
Dynaswirl-LN™ Burner
The Dynaswirl-LN™ low-NOx utility boiler burner offers high-efficiency, low-emission combustion for industrial boilers and is capable of simultaneous gas and oil firing, offering reliable performance and compliance with stringent environmental standards.
Marine Vapor Emission Control Systems
Our marine vapor control system is a complete package that integrates proven combustion and recovery systems, dock safety units (DSUs), vapor blower units, and control systems to provide unmatched, comprehensive support services that meet stringent marine regulations.
John Zink's Variflame™ burner provides flexible, low-NOx combustion solutions for a variety of industrial applications and is ideal for steam raising and waste gas incineration.
Engineered-to-Order Thermal Oxidizer Systems
Our engineered-to-order thermal oxidizer systems deliver tailored solutions for efficient and compliant hazardous waste disposal.
Duct Burner
We offer advanced duct burner systems designed for optimal performance and low emissions in cogeneration and industrial applications. Our solutions, backed by cutting-edge CFD modeling and robust support services, ensure efficient and reliable operations while meeting stringent environmental standards.
WALFIRE™ Radiant Wall burner
Partner With John Zink
With nearly a century of leadership in combustion and emission control, we are committed to being your trusted partner. Collaborate with John Zink for reliable solutions backed by expert service and support.