تطوير حلول للغد

نحن نؤمن بقوة الابتكار ، ومركز اختبار البحث والتطوير لدينا هو في صميم التزامنا بالتحسين المستمر. هنا ، نبتكر حلولا متطورة مع فريق من المهندسين والعلماء والخبراء المتفانين الذين يتعاونون لتطوير تطورات تكنولوجية جديدة.

مرافق الاختبار المتقدمة

تضم منشأتنا مختبرات اختبار حديثة مجهزة بأحدث التقنيات. من اختبار الاحتراق إلى تحليل الانبعاثات ، لدينا الأدوات والخبرة للتحقق من صحة أداء منتجاتنا في ظل ظروف مختلفة.

برامج اختبار مصممة خصيصا
نحن نقدم خدمة اختبار شاملة حيث يمكننا التحقق من صحة الحلول وتحسينها بناء على متطلباتك. سواء كنت ترغب في تحسين كفاءة الاحتراق أو تقليل الانبعاثات أو تحسين الأداء العام لنظامك ، يمكننا تطوير خطة اختبار مخصصة تتوافق مع أهدافك.

محاكاة العالم الحقيقي مع التحليل المستند إلى البيانات

نحن نتفهم أن ظروف العالم الحقيقي مهمة. تم تصميم مرافق الاختبار الخاصة بنا لمحاكاة بيئات التشغيل الفعلية، مما يوفر رؤى قيمة حول كيفية أداء حلولنا في سيناريوهات عملية. نحن نقدم تقارير وتحليلات مفصلة ، ونمكن عملائنا من المعلومات اللازمة لاتخاذ قرارات مستنيرة حول تنفيذ حلولنا. 

an aerial view of a factory

فريق تعاوني متعدد التخصصات

يتكون فريق البحث والتطوير لدينا من خبراء من مجالات متنوعة ، بما في ذلك الهندسة الميكانيكية والهندسة الكيميائية وعلوم المواد والمزيد. يسمح لنا هذا النهج متعدد التخصصات بمواجهة التحديات المعقدة وتقديم حلول شاملة. نحن نتفهم أيضا أهمية التعاون في دفع الابتكار ونرحب بالتعاون البحثي مع شركاء الصناعة والمؤسسات البحثية والأوساط الأكاديمية.

a woman in hardhat and a man in a factory


At our Tulsa testing facility, we specialize in the in-depth testing of process and boiler burners to ensure optimal performance and efficiency for a wide range of industrial applications. Our capabilities include:

Performance Optimization

Our expert team conducts detailed assessments to optimize the combustion process, enhancing burner efficiency and reducing environmental impact.

Fuel Availability

We test process burners with multiple fuels, ensuring compatibility and performance across various fuel types, providing flexibility for your operational needs.

Emission Reduction

Our testing protocols focus on minimizing emissions while maintaining peak burner performance, aligning with environmental standards and sustainability goals.

Customized Solutions

We understand that each industrial process is unique. Our testing services are tailored to your requirements, offering customized solutions for your burner applications.

Flare Testing

Our flare testing capabilities cover a broad spectrum of configurations to meet the diverse needs of different industries:

Elevated Flares

Rigorous testing of elevated flare systems to ensure efficient combustion and compliance with safety standards.

Multipoint Ground Flares

Comprehensive testing of ground flares with multiple ignition points, providing insights into performance under various conditions.

Enclosed Ground Flares

Testing and optimizing enclosed ground flares for enhanced safety and environmental compliance.

Steam-Assisted Flares

Evaluation of flare systems with steam-assisted technology, ensuring effective and controlled combustion.

Air-Assisted Flares 

Testing air-assisted flare systems to achieve optimal combustion efficiency and emission control.

Fuel Availability

Our facility can test flares using multiple fuels, allowing for flexibility and adaptability in diverse industrial settings.

Thermal Oxidizers

Our testing expertise extends to thermal oxidizers, focusing on:

Efficiency Testing

Thorough evaluation to maximize the efficiency of thermal oxidizers, reducing environmental impact and operational costs.

Emission Control

Testing protocols designed to minimize emissions from thermal oxidizers, ensuring compliance with stringent environmental regulations.

Custom Applications

Tailored testing services to address the unique requirements of your thermal oxidizer applications, providing optimized solutions.

Carbon Lab

Our carbon lab is an advanced research and testing center dedicated to advancing vapor recovery units and optimizing the efficiency of carbon-related technologies.

Vapor Recovery Units

Our carbon lab features a unique setup specifically designed for researching and testing vapor recovery units. We simulate operational conditions to evaluate their performance under varying parameters.

Gasoline and Crude Oil Recovery

We specialize in testing the efficiency of vapor recovery units in gasoline and crude oil recovery. Our simulations include vacuum pressure and temperature swing adsorption processes to provide detailed insights.

Butane Capacity Lab

In our dedicated butane working capacity lab, we offer advanced testing services for swing adsorption processes. Our expertise in this field ensures that your systems operate at peak efficiency, providing reliable and cost-effective solutions.

Process Optimization

Our testing protocols focus on optimizing swing adsorption processes, enhancing the overall efficiency of butane working capacity systems.

Performance Validation

Rigorous testing ensures that your swing adsorption systems meet or exceed performance expectations, providing confidence in their reliability.

Gas Separations Lab

Our gas separations lab is equipped to handle detailed testing and optimization of gas separation processes, emphasizing:

Precision Testing

We conduct precise experiments to analyze and optimize gas separation, ensuring accuracy and reliability in your systems.

Customized Solutions

Tailored testing to address specific challenges in gas separations, providing optimized solutions for your unique requirements.

Fuels & Utilities

Our testing capabilities extend to a wide range of fuels and utilities:

Natural Gas







Carbon Dioxide

No. 2 Oil

Steam Superheaters

Combustion Air Preheaters

Fuel Heat Exchangers

Ammonia Testing

Our facility provides testing for ammonia systems, including stands and vaporizers, ensuring safety, efficiency, and reliability in your operations.

Small-Scale Testing

Explore our small-scale testing capabilities, allowing for precise and controlled experiments to validate ammonia-related processes.